Skin Tightening

Using cosmetic laser technology, your skin can be tightened to give back its youthful, supple feel.

After years of aging and exposure, your skin loses a vital chemical called collagen. This gives it its suppleness and firmness, and as the amount in your skin decreases, you end up with saggy skin.

There is no need for you to go under the knife to deal with this problem. HARLEM LASER CENTER offers a minimally invasive solution that takes little preparation or downtime and shows quick results. 

With laser skin tightening, you can make skin firmer and less crepey. It works by sending pulses of heat deep into the tissue, encouraging the production of collagen and elastin, which are responsible for skin elasticity. The procedure can take 30 minutes to one and a half hours, and you can go back to your normal activities after. 

While it can be done anywhere on the body, skin tightening is usually done on the:

  • Stomach
  • Neck
  • Face
  • Jawline
  • Chin

With proper skin care, the results can last up to three years.

Does Skin Tightening Hurt?

The process uses heat, but it is generally well-tolerated. You can see the results as soon as your first session finishes, and they get more pronounced with successive treatment. Some swelling or redness is normal and typically subsides after a few days.

Talk to Dr. Arthur Dove and find out if you can get started with skin tightening.

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